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A selection of short film clips of studio processes, using self-built or improvised tools and methods.  Initially filmed for the purposes of Instagram, these have become an ongoing archive of studio developments.  An edit of these clips is available at the bottom of the page in the film Methods 2016-2023. (7min 12sec)

Cement Mixer Powered Winding Machine

Sliced Spindle winding

Spindle Slicing

Bookmatched Slab Sawing

Plaster and thread piping for bookmatching

Base coat for Large Flask

Potters Wheel Winder

Water carving plaster and thread

Cement Mixer Chainsaw Lathe

Methods 2016-2023
Beginning with early experiments using a potters wheel and a cement mixer to wind thread onto sculptures, the film documents a journey through the development of machinery, materials, and techniques.

7 mins 12 secs. 

© 2024. Will Cruickshank. All rights reserved.

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